Couchtuner The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Movie Watch

/ score 7361 votes / directed by Nick Morris / Writed by Gaston Leroux / genre Thriller / duration 137 M

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Who else watched the show more than once... The phantom of the opera (live at the royal albert hall/2011. This singer is annoying. First, her presentation confuses my senses. My ears want me to concentrate on her Siren-esk voice but my eyes insist I totally focus on her gorgeous face. Second, she selfish with my time. Watching her I enter a zombie-like trance and am unable to move or get anything done until she's finished. Finally, she makes flawless performances seem effortless which is the opposite of the truth, and I don't like dishonesty! So irritating on so many levels.

The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall stream. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall watch online free. Gerard totally ruined it at the end. Beautiful voice but her breathing made me cringe maybe it's just because my opera instructor was so strict about that. He didn't want to hear us breath lol. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall subtitles. The phantom of the opera royal albert hall. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall songs. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall dvds pictures. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert hall of fame and museum. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall lyrics. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert hall of light entry.

Andrew Lloyd Webber the Legend. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall imdb. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall full. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall dvd cover. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall cast list. The phantom of the opera live at the royal albert hall. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall youtube. Phantom of the opera royal albert hall 2011. I watch these performances with a lot of people from all over the world. It unites us and motivates us for life and creativity. Thanks for the great gifts. Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber is great.

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I got this DVD as a gift a couple of years ago. I mistakenly thought I had already seen it and didn't have a strong desire to watch it again. I was content with watching the 2004 film whenever I felt the need to watch POTO. It had it's problems, but I was content. Well one night I got bored and decided for kicks and giggles I would watch it. I quickly realized I had never seen this performance before. I got excited and curious to see how this version would play out. And I was not disappointed.

Just a heads up to anyone curious - this is not a film version of POTO. This is a recording of a play performance. It's not shot like a film so if you hate seeing plays in film format, then skip this and go to the 2004 film. However, if you are curious to see what the heart of Phantom of the Opera is, I strongly encourage you to watch this production. It is stellar. The music is top notch - the live orchestra brings so much passion and warmth to the sound. The costumes are glorious and the excellent use of technology is well placed. The support cast is fantastic and made me all the more invested - fearing for them and laughing with them (though I am disappointed by the lack of an audience response at the humorous bits but that's nitpicking. But the real stars are Raoul, Christine, and the Phantom.

First Raoul - Hadley Fraser has a different take on the childhood sweetheart of Christine. Fraser brings an energy and eagerness to the character. I always found Raoul in every performance to be fairly bland - he promises to protect Christine and shelter her. But aside from the dialogue, there is not much else to draw me to him. I loved Fraser because he brings a new energy and charisma to the character. He is a great contrast to the dark and passionate Phantom. Sierra Boggess portrays the innocent and charming Christine Daaé and Boggess is my favorite Christine by far. Her voice has such a sweet and warm sound to it. She captures perfectly both the innocence and sexuality of the young chorus girl as her world is turned upside down. But what makes her stand out is her chemistry with both Fraser and Karimloo (the Phantom.

And finally, the Phantom himself, played by Ramin Karimloo. I am convinced that if Morgan Freeman is the voice of God, then Ramin Karimloo is the singing voice of God. Good Lord is his voice gorgeous. The way he goes from a growling baritone to a delicate tenor blows my mind. He is both very threatening and very vulnerable. He is both aggressor and victim. He captures the fragility of the Phantom's mind and the strength of the Phantom's will. His rage, his passion, his trepidation. it's breathtaking. His chemistry with Sierra Boggess is unbelievable. I could watch the two interact all day it's that good. By far, my favorite couple performance.

This movie is wonderful. I can't express enough how much I enjoyed it. It actually made me cry. The only movies I have ever cried in where Schindler's List, The Pianist, and Les Miserables. The emotions are so raw and beautifully executed that it was impossible for me not to be moved. If you are a phan, then this film is a definite watch. Enjoy the magic and prepare to be amazed.

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The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert hall of light. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall 123 movie. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert hall hotel. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall 25th anniversary edition dvd. I'm here after the stream because I will NEVER get tired of hearing them.

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert hall website

Phantom opera royal albert hall dvd. 4:08 When he pretends to fix his hair, all I could think of is: As if theres anything to fix. Ramin is perfect 😂 Also can I have that short clip on loop, please.

The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall think of me

The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall: in celebration of 25 years cd. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall review. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall free. Their voices are perfect!I can keep listening without being bored!thanks to them I started to do a lot of workout for singing like this too! wonderfull! this sure is the best version <3. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall screencaps all pictures. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall (2011. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall all pictures.

The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall the point of no return

The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall all i ask of you. The phantom looks like a penguin. The phantom of the opera at the royal albert hall sarah brightman. Amazing how Sierra can hit those high notes every time, even when she was sick during this performance! Props to her! I`m a first soprano (high soprano) and I cant even hit them! I`ve been trying for years and they still elude me. Ugly from life believe inside of meanwhile maybe oneday very soon just because I'm stronger than than me before. When Andrew Lloyd has tears, you might have just nailed it. Phantom of the opera from royal albert hall.





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